About Us
About Us

Our People

Craig A Smith
Managing Director
[email protected]

Jim J Mooney
Sales Director
[email protected]

Rose C Charlton BA
Operations Director
[email protected]

Pat Doyle
Building & Maintenance Director
[email protected]

Gordon Smith
Contracts Manager
[email protected]

Debbie Irving
Helpdesk Manager
[email protected]

Holly McHugh
Commercial Manager
[email protected]

Claire Charlton
Payroll Manager
[email protected]

David Reilly
Contracts Manager
[email protected]

Where We Are

Our offices are located in East Kilbride, just outside of Glasgow. Use the map below to get directions if you are coming to visit.

Company Social Responsibility

We take our social and community responsibility very seriously. We endeavour to address and compliment these responsibilities.

We provide a truly socially inclusive recruitment policy and wherever possible recruit staff from local areas to sustain local level of skills and employment opportunities.

We provide a better quality learning environment for our staff by implementing staff skills and opportunities for training.

We are members of Accredited Safety Schemes, demonstrating our level of health and safety compliance to clients and potential clients.

Health & Safety has an integral part to play in our promotion of a safe working environment; clear guidelines are set to validate.

We ensure that all business decisions take into consideration the wellbeing of all members of staff, to ensure long term employment prospects.

We support and promote Modern Apprenticeship and offer workplace experience.

We take into account environmental, sustainable and social issues that are applicable to purchase decisions in relation to the delivery of goods and services to our clients.

Get In Touch

Call us on 01355 268444 or email [email protected] and see how we can help transform your business.
  • Chas
  • Constructionline Silver
  • Constructionline Gold
  • Safe Contractor
  • UKAS Accredittions
  • Fire Doors
  • Gas Safe Register
  • Logo Fmb
  • Logo Fsb