Energy Efficiency Building Retrofits
Over 75% of the UK’s building stock was built before 1985 and almost 33% before 1940, and it is estimated that half of these will still be in use by 2050.
Commercial and public buildings can benefit from retrofit measures resulting in substantial savings and improvement to the Energy Performance rating. The Scottish Government introduced new regulations in September 2016 requiring owners of non-domestic buildings to improve their energy efficiency and reduce the CO2 emissions of their building.
Switching to energy efficient lighting can save businesses thousands of pounds.
Our Retrofit Services include:
• LED Energy Efficient Lighting
• Lighting Controls
• Heat Loss Rectification

LED Lighting
There is a global lighting revolution in which LED will replace old technology fluorescent tubes and lamps, halogen spotlights, SON and metal halide street lighting.
Our Service can include the following:
- Site Survey including existing light measurement.
- Energy Analysis and Carbon Reduction calculation.
- DIALux Simulations of Project.
- Provision of Alternative Schemes.
- Full Costing for Supply or Supply and Install.
- Estimated Maintenance Savings.
- Supply or Installation of Sample Fittings or Lamps